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北京市財政局 北京市國家稅務(wù)局 北京市地方稅務(wù)局 北京市人力資源和社會保障局 北京住房公積金管理中心關(guān)于印發(fā)進一步提升納稅等便利度 優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境工作措施的通知

2018-07-26 10:15     來源:中國會計網(wǎng)     

北京市財政局 北京市國家稅務(wù)局 北京市地方稅務(wù)局 北京市人力資源和社會保障局 北京住房公積金管理中心關(guān)于印發(fā)進一步提升納稅等便利度 優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境工作措施的通知

京財稅[2018]567號                      2018-3-14


  為進一步優(yōu)化我市營商環(huán)境,持續(xù)激發(fā)市場活力和社會創(chuàng)造力,深化“放管服”改革,不斷提高企業(yè)納稅、繳納社會保險和住房公積金等便利化水平,根據(jù)市委、市政府關(guān)于率先行動改革優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境工作部署,制定了《進一步提升納稅等便利度 優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境的工作措施》,請結(jié)合實際認真貫徹落實。


  附件:進一步提升納稅等便利度 優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境的工作措施























  (十一)推出辦稅事項“最多跑一次”和“一次不用跑” 清單。納稅人辦理清單范圍內(nèi)事項,在資料完整且符合法定受理條件的前提下,在網(wǎng)上即可辦理或最多只需要到稅務(wù)機關(guān)跑一次。











  四、 拓寬渠道,提升稅費繳納便利度





Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, SAT Beijing Municipal Office, Beijing Local Taxation Bureau

  Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center

  Notice on Printing and Issuing the Working Measures for Further Improving the Level of Convenience in Taxation and Other Services and Enhancing the Business Environment

  Jingcaishui [2018] No. 567 

  Financial Bureaus of each district, State Administration of Taxation, Local Taxation Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, each sub-center and management department of Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center, branches directly under the Taxation Bureau and each related units:

  In a bid to further optimize the business environment in the city, constantly stimulate market vitality and social creativity, deepen the reform in streamlining the reform of delegating powers, improving regulation and optimizing services, and continuously raise the level of convenience in corporate taxation and payment of social insurances and housing provident funds, according to the municipal party committee and municipal government's work arrangement to take the lead in the reform and optimization of the business environment, the Working measures for Further Improving the Level of Convenience in Taxation and Other Services and Enhancing the Business Environment are formulated. Please implement it carefully with practical examples.

  Notice is hereby given.

  Appendix: Working Measures for Further Improving the Level of Convenience in Taxation and Other Services and Enhancing the Business Environment

  Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, SAT Beijing Municipal Office, Beijing Local Taxation Bureau

  Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center

  March 14, 2018


  Working Measures for Further Improving the Level of Convenience in Taxation and Other Services and Enhancing the Business Environment

  In order to thoroughly implement the deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government's work arrangement to take the lead in the reform and optimization of the business environment, under the guidance of legalization, internationalization and convenience, the following working measures will be formulated based on the highest standards.

  一、Cut taxes and administrative fees and continue to release reform dividends.

  (I) Full implement the policy of cutting taxes and administrative fees According to the central government's deployment, degenerate the tax rate of VAT, reduce the tax rate for manufacturing, transportation and other industries; expand the scope of small and micro enterprises enjoying preferential tax policy of half payment on income tax; further clean up and standardize the revenue from administrative and institutional fees and reduce the collection standards of some government funds; improve the deduction standard of basic cost for personal income tax and increase the deduction for special expenses according to law; and implement the tax preferential policy for Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Games.

  (II) Advance the first pilot work solidly. Actively implement the policy of departure tax rebate for overseas tourists in our city's first pilot; implement the policy of VAT credit tax rebate and related additional tax rebate for some industries; carry out a pilot program on personal tax policies for venture capital enterprises and Angel Investment; promote the trial of personal income tax policies for commercial health insurance; pilot water resource tax reform; carry out trials of VAT general taxpayer qualifications in special customs supervision areas.

  二、Innovate services to improve the ease of tax preparation

  (III) Create a three-dimensional propaganda and counseling system. Establish an online and offline communication and complementary propaganda and counseling system through the channels such as tax service hall, 12366 taxation service hotline, website, Weibo, WeChat and mobile client; complete batch processing of the instruments such as “tax matters prompted letters” through the registered mail to improve management efficiency and achieve accurate service.

  (IV) Innovate the intelligence consulting service mode. Rely on intelligent consulting service of the “six can” service platform and WeChat intelligent customer service system to provide the taxpayer with 7×24 hours of continuous service, and facilitate the taxpayers' consulting at any time without time and place restrictions.

  (V) Strengthen tax information sharing and interoperability. Promote the service integration, collection and management synergy and information sharing for state tax bureau and local tax bureau, strengthen co-construction of tax service halls and improve the ability to jointly handle taxation; strengthen the tax-related information sharing, taxation data exchange with industry and commerce, quality supervision and other departments, give full play to multiple acquisition advantages of tax-related information and expand the scope of third-party tax-related information sharing.

  (VI) Vigorously implement online invoice application. Strengthen the promotion of the “e-mailing” of VAT special invoice issued, so that the taxpayer can enjoy tax handling service of “ issuing application online, automatic acceptance on the online and logistics time-limited delivery” without going out of the house.

  (VII) Expand the scope of canceling the VAT invoice certification. The scope of taxpayers with canceling of VAT invoice certification is extended to new and unrated VAT general taxpayers.

  三、Optimize the process and improve the convenience of tax handling

  (VIII) Implement full-service and time-based appointments for taxation purpose. Optimize the taxation appointment experience, to enable the taxpayers to make tax appointment through online tax service hall, WeChat, etc., thus reducing the waiting time for the taxpayers.

  (IX) Implement city-wide general handling of tax-related business. Implement city-wide general handling of more than 300 taxation businesses such as taxation registration, tax declaration and preferential treatment to facilitate the taxpayers to handle taxation without going far.

  (X) Tax-related matters of newly- established enterprises will be completed on the same day. Open up the whole process of tax handling matters for the newly-established enterprises, integrate tax-related matters, and implement “package-style” application. The enterprises that meet the requirements will complete the process from new establishment to invoice receipt in a day.

  (XI) Introduce the list of “One-stop handling” and “no need for handling outside” for tax handling matters. Under the premise that the information is complete and in accordance with the legal acceptance conditions, the taxpayer can handle the matters within the scope of the list on the Internet or run to the tax authority once at most.

  (XII) Implement paperless taxation service without filling in the form. The pictures uploaded by the taxpayer through the Internet Tax Bureau or Online Tax Service Hall or the tax-related materials transmitted through photograph of Tax Service Hall, etc. with CA certificate are electronically archived; introduce the exemption of form-filled service for the tax-related matters to shorten the tax handing time.

  (XIII) Promote the self-handling tax service. Promote self-handling tax terminals. While increasing the number of self-handling tax terminals, expand the number of 24-hours self-handling tax net-outlets, and explore the deployment of 24-hour self-handling tax service equipment in an area with the network security environment, such as bank self-service area and sub-district office.

  (XIV) Implement the “one table integration” for VAT declaration. By means of the “one table integration” method, the taxpayer uses the information obtained by tax authorities such as the commodity classification code of the VAT invoice issued by the enterprise and customs invoice, and automatically collects them to generate the data required for declaration and improve the tax efficiency.

  (XV) Promote online pre-check of the inventory of existing housing stocks. Implement the tax service and management guideline requirements for real estate transactions, constantly optimize tax service for real estate transactions, promote information sharing among departments, and reduce duplicate information entry and audit time. Carry out online pre-check and reduce the waiting time for the taxpayers by uploading tax information through the Internet.

  (XVI) Improve the personal income tax service platform for natural person. On the basis of continuously expanding the natural person taxpayer's online real-name authentication channel and realizing online query and print of personal income tax payment list, it will further improve the online tax declaration function of personal income tax of natural person taxpayers, and increase the number of online tax matters handled through the mobile terminal.

  (XVII) Fully implement online tax stamp declaration. Extend the scope of online tax stamp declaration to all taxable vouchers with a taxable amount of less than 500 yuan, and reduce the tedious procedures for the taxpayers to purchase tax stamps from the tax authority and paste them.

  (XVIII) Expand the scope of online correction of declaration. On the basis of online correction of declaration for small-scale taxpayers and correction of the annual declaration of corporate income tax, online declaration and self-correction will be implemented for the general taxpayers, which allow them to make several online corrections of errors in the declaration period.

  (XIX) Research the docking of financial system data. Study and promote the pilot of docking work for the enterprise financial system and the tax declaration system, and gradually realize the function of automatically calculating the taxable amount.

  (XX) Advance the construction of electronic taxation bureaus. Based on the data-driven mode and with the support of risk and credit management, integrate and recreate a new generation of electronic taxation bureaus to provide the taxpayers with smart, efficient and efficient taxation service.

  (XXI) Shorten the handling time limit for provident fund business. Optimize the registration and account opening process for the housing provident fund, simplify the application materials, implement the “zero requirements” of opening account business for the unit; expand the content of internet service, improve the function of the online hall; each business of the unit can be handled near the city-wide management department, and online handling is also fully implemented.

  四、Broaden channels and increase the convenience of tax and fee payment

  (XXII) Expand the diversified tax payment methods. The taxpayer can use the mobile phone client of the bank to realize the real-time tax payment function of the mobile phone and experience “paying tax through your finger”. After signing the tripartite agreement of real-time payment of tax revenues to the treasury with the taxation website and bank, the online real-time tax payment service can be opened, and at the same time, the WeChat, Alipay, POS machine and other diverse tax payment methods can be used to achieve rapid tax payment.

  (XXIII)Advance electronization of the tax rebate. Simplify the application for export tax rebate from the individual application to the summary list application, and fully implement the tax rebate service electronically on the basis of implementation of the pilot work for correction business of electronic handling of tax rebate out of treasury in some regions.

  (XXIV) Implement a variety of online social insurance payment methods. The unit that participates in social insurances can realize the agreed deduction with 16 banks cooperating with social insurance agencies, and can also realize online real-time payment through online banking self-service. Further improve the service level and realize the service information that immediately informs the unit participating in social insurances of online payment results.

  (XXV) Increase the convenient deposit method of provident funds. Based on the cheque deposit method, a real-time settlement platform system is developed to realize clickbank real-time transfer.

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